Sunday, November 9, 2008

When words fail...

It's pictures/stills such as this that humble me. When you realize that your significance in this world isn't greater than anything else out there, but rather as significant. That you are part of a bigger picture. A part of the sum of a whole. You are one with those around you.....or we should at least try to be. In this ridiculously busy lifestyle of ours (thanks to cell phones and many other nifty gadgets for speeding things up......I like me some gadgets too, but it gets a bit much when you look at the impact it has on your life) we don't often "One Republic" (i.e. stop 'n stare) enough. These images attempt to bring us back to basics. If anything, let it spark your mind to realize that life is worth more than the day to day regularities. Life is about the interaction. Life is about being intune......with yourself and your environment. "Note to Self: smell the freshlyground java in the next week"

PS the still is of Upper Arrow Lake, British Columbia (USA)

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