Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Help! I’m stalking my husband . . .

A man and woman should NEVER have been put on this earth to be together. I’ve turned into a crazed paranoid lunatic. It could be a mixture of schizophrenia and delirium that’s causing me to doubt everything my man says.

Last night I convinced myself he was with another woman and ended up driving around the areas I could possibly see his car, trying to track him down. I even thought of purchasing a tracking device to attach to his car. I am seriously losing it, and quickly. So there I was in my baggy house pants, a nasty washed-out T-shirt I found in a big walk goodie-bag at least 5 year ago, patent leather slip-slops at least 1 size too big for me and hair in desperate need of a GHD. Imagine this: a grown woman stalking her own husband. I felt a bit like a spy in a spoof movie driving round at night looking suspiciously at any car that I passed. I finally found his car and kept a stalker-esque distance, following him into unknown territory for at least 45min, until his car finally stopped in a parking space outside a dodgy 70’s inspired block of flats in an area I wasn’t too sure where it was, it could’ve been anywhere in the southern suburbs (all the areas look the same to me anyway). I slowed down and waited for him to get out of his car. By this time I stuck my head below my steering-wheel with my spy-eyes peering through the gap between the top of the steering wheel and my dashboard. I squinted hoping this would focus my sight, and summon “eyes of the hawk” like Marshall BraveStarr.

As his car door opened, I felt the overwhelming urge to let out a Tex Hex-like cackle and shout into the sky “Gotcha Sucker!” like Eddie Murphy in Bowfinger. Only when he finally revealed his foot as it made contact with the pavement, he was wearing green fabric covered pumps with a kitten-heel. Is there more to this double-life than my already demented mind had initially conjured up? Do those shoes look familiar? Are they from my collection, or has he been secretly stashing his own collection is this flat with his other transvestite buddies? Has he? – hey, wait a second! He shaved his legs as well! . . . A more forceful squint revealed his entire outfit as he eased out of the driver’s seat. By this time my forehead had melted against the top of my steering wheel and my chin hit the hooter, causing him to turn round in a graceful spin locking eyes with me at such a distance. I felt my body numb from bruised forehead to unmanicured toes, and the colour drain from my cheeks (okay maybe I’m exaggerating here, since I never have colour in my cheeks). My eyes were fixed on the sight before me, still squinting, I saw my “well thought-out plan” foil right before me. My hand moved toward the ignition and I turned the key, slowly put my car into gear, pulled away with the greatest of elegance, passing the car I THOUGHT was my husband's. I had been following the wrong damn car all along.

Of course, it didn’t help that I wasn’t wearing my glasses, and what looked like my husband in a dress (through squinted eyes), was in fact a woman in a dress!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Is Tina "Palin" in Comparison?

Okay, so the subject line isn't the most original I could have come up with. Consider this though that my mind is still coming to terms with the matter of "relaxation". It's been one harrowing week (well, maybe harrowing is a bit heavy on the dramatic front, but its been a taxing one mentally). Why you ask? Studies my friends.....studies. The constant quest for mental stimulation to further ourselves in the wonderful world we live. Plus, it just looks good on your resume' right? Indeed.:-)

But now I've sidetracked myself from the actual post at hand. I opened up the Yahoo site a few moments ago and found myself greeted by the face of Tina Fey (pictured on the left). For those not in the know, she's the star of (or one of the stars of) the award winning hit comedy 30 Rock. Now with all this news and media coverage of failed US Vice Presidential bidder, Alaska's Sarah Palin (pictured on the right), my mind started playing the age-old game of "Doesn't she look like?". I'm happy to say that I'm not the only one that sees some sort of freaky resemblance here. Recently SNL did a show where Tina spoofed Palin. I must admit, I just heard about it today and can't wait to catch it on youtube or something. As per usual, I can expect a few who totally disagree with this comparison.......that's fine with me. You do that. But you'll come around, you'll see.......they always do.:-)

Monday, November 10, 2008

No middleground: Be good or SUPERBAD!

It's made massive waves when it hit cinemas (a breakout hit if you will) and it's now available on DVD. If you haven't seen SUPERBAD yet, you're missing a whole lot. If you have seen it, I'm sure one thing you'll take away, if its the only thing you do, is "Mr Pinnochio Suit" himself, Fogell aka McLovin. Newcomer Christopher Mintz-Plasse nailed the character to the "T", with every "i" being dotted along the way as well. Apparently the now famous ID of said character floated around in pre-buzz format. Initially it was just Fogell. Interesting...wonder when the McLovin started?

Sidebar: If you're looking to see
Christopher Mintz-Plasse again, this time in another guise, expect to be amazed. He's set to play a character called Red Mist in a movie adaptation of the violent comic book called Kick-Ass. Below is a still of one of the scenes. Red Mist is the character not looking at the camera. For more news on this and other interesting movie & TV developments, including GI Joe (I can't wait to see this one) news, check this link:
Morning Spoilers

Is it just me or...?

I've been wondering this for a minute now (ok, much more than that, but you catch my drift, right?). Were South African rugby international Victor Matfield and French football international Robert Emmanuel Pirès (currently with Villarreal C.F.) separated at birth or during toddlerdom perhaps? Just a thought...

Sunday, November 9, 2008

When words fail...

It's pictures/stills such as this that humble me. When you realize that your significance in this world isn't greater than anything else out there, but rather as significant. That you are part of a bigger picture. A part of the sum of a whole. You are one with those around you.....or we should at least try to be. In this ridiculously busy lifestyle of ours (thanks to cell phones and many other nifty gadgets for speeding things up......I like me some gadgets too, but it gets a bit much when you look at the impact it has on your life) we don't often "One Republic" (i.e. stop 'n stare) enough. These images attempt to bring us back to basics. If anything, let it spark your mind to realize that life is worth more than the day to day regularities. Life is about the interaction. Life is about being intune......with yourself and your environment. "Note to Self: smell the freshlyground java in the next week"

PS the still is of Upper Arrow Lake, British Columbia (USA)

Welcome to the Jungle!!!

So what can we say....well, for starters........A Whole Lot. South Africa has a new-look cabinet (political for those not too sure which I was referring to). The United States has recently elected a president who seems to embody the hopes and dreams of many previously disillusioned citizens who finally feel ready to rebuild (Mr Barack "Yes We Can" Obama). The Global Economy is still in a major downturn which is reminiscent of many historically huge dips as the cycle repeats itself every decade or so, yet investors still can't seem to remove the emotion from it all (note: do like Warren Buffet - remove the emotion from the equation and think level-headed). And we are nowhere near alleviating global hunger and poverty, though catchphrases still abound.

The Rich-Poor divide keeps growing to the point of utter ridicule and shock/horror. And just when you think you know it all and you see that mist evaporate before your path, you get pulled right back into it. Sometimes you just want to vent in the hope that the world heeds your call of frustration. Sometimes (Yes, Sometimes) commonalities make us feel better about ourselves and our situations. In these testing, yet interesti
ng "insert Chinese Proverb" times we live in, one thing's for sure......change is going to happen (it is the only constant after all), we're still going to resort to escapism, and we're still going to try and make our way through this concrete maze. Now's as good a time as any. Wouldn't you agree? Welcome to the Jungle (cue Guns 'n Roses)!!!

Sidebar: speaking of Guns 'n Roses, is it just me or does supposed new "Chinese Democracy" album seem as much of an urban legend as does Dr Dre's "Detox" or as mythical as democracy in China? Things that make you go "Hmmm".